I'm as taut as a guitar string that's been tuned too high...
Pluck me and I might call out the bats!
Today is my testing field.
Shall I prove to be strong?
Can I verbalize my convictions?
Or do I get mown down again,
By a will more durable than mine?
And see the course of my life
follow a path not of my seeking?
Leave me a dry hollow husk,
with complaints my only verbal decor?
Ah, I wish it will not be so!
That I be given a silver tongue -
that I be capable
of setting emotion and communication
on opposing sides of the table,
and express my views
calmly and forthrightly,
no matter the opposition!
I pray it is so!
Baby Spinach Salad with Avocado and Blackberries
15 hours ago
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