I have come to a sorry conclusion about myself... Whereas I used to pride myself on being led by my mind and my thoughts, I now realize that somewhere along the way I fell into a stagnant pool. It looks as though, at this current stage, my body: it's aches, pains and moans, are taking the lead. The conclusion came crashing on me as I sat and bemoaned my tired state, my stomach cramping and curling in on itself, and my feet aching when I stepped away from the bed. And this is nothing new... But, there must be a way to overcome it - to not let my physical self be the commanding officer in the battle to win my soul. I have started a new diet, a new exercise program , but they fell by the wayside the moment my system complained a few days back. But, thinking back on things, I realize that it might have been the better option to push through the tiredness and gently bring my system on track. So, henceforth - that is the plan. Any day which sees me solely horizontal or seated for most of the time will be remade with a walk, a swim, or some continuous movement - no matter the condition of my body... for a slave to the body - I shan't be anymore...
Baby Spinach Salad with Avocado and Blackberries
14 hours ago