I had the most wondrous experience of receiving a coffee machine and mixie all the way from India just last weekend... And the coffee machine spits out coffee that melts through my taste buds and drives me to heights of ecstasy. All last week, I was eagerly anticipating today... awaiting with beating heart, and eager caffeine-soaked tonsils, a lazy Saturday morning with my love and a spectacular, late breakfast. For a moment there I had forgotten that my love had a weekly appointment with the cricket field and thus would be unavailable to me. A disappointment - but I managed to move past it with the help of my coffee! Awakening to the knowledge of a solitary breakfast, I girded my mental loins, and sloshed elbow-first into the soap suds of my kitchen sink. There was no way that I would allow the grease of yesterday's wash to cloud the perfection of today's freshness! Once that was done, the coffee machine started to purr, and release the heady aroma of Brazilian glory... ah! Gloria-Jean had contributed her share to the perfection that was to be my Saturday morning brew by providing a generous quantity of caramel syrup that added the twist of sweet to heighten the perfection of the bitter concoction so many of us drool over. The decoction was done, and the milk was at the perfect temperature, ready for frothing. The frothing was done to perfection, and my coffee was ready. I slathered some cream cheese on toast, added some chutney, and some raungi with masala as dressing... slid both sides of toast carefully together, zipped it through the toaster oven, and there.... the breakfast experience was amazing to say the least :D
so ma! Thanks a ton for the coffee machine and the mixie - the mixie was what I had made the raungi masala with, so both contributed heavily to the makings of this brekkie :D
And why such a long post about breakfast, you might ask... well, just felt like it :P G'day mates!
Baby Spinach Salad with Avocado and Blackberries
15 hours ago